10 April-31 May 2009
Peter Randall-Page: Natural Selection
The sculptor, Peter Randall-Page is noted for his stone carving and fascination with natural form; most recently, with the complex relationship between geometry and biology.
Introduction panels including details of Seed

See also:
As a prelude to Peter’s major exhibition at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (27 June 2009-early 2010), CCANW focussed on work permanently sited in the West Country; specifically, the remarkable sequence of sculptures and a garden created in the Teign Valley 1990-96 and Seed, a massive granite carving commissioned for the Eden Project in 2003. The exhibition included drawings, prints, maquettes, bronzes and films as well as photographs by Chris Chapman.
One of Marcus Vergette’s Time and Tide bells was displayed outside our Project Space from 10 April 2009 until the end of March 2010. Other bells were installed at coastal locations in the UK, which sounded at high tide as a reminder of rising sea levels.
See also:
- 12 April: Launch with jazz on the outdoor stage with Peter Randall-Page and Marcus Vergette on bass. Photo Clive Adams.
- 4 May: Printmaking workshop with Double Elephant. Photos CCANW.
- 10 May: Studio visit and tour with Peter Randall-Page. Photos Clive Adams .
- 26 May: Films on Peter Randall-Page
- 27 May: Family workshop
- 31 May: Performance by musician David Rothenberg on the outdoor stage. Photo Chris Lewis.
- Spring/Summer: Open stage.

6-28 June 2009
Ecopoetics: Skylines
Ecopoetics is the study of the ways that creative writing can address ecological issues. Historically associated with Romantic and pastoral poetry, this investigation now extends further into new realms such as urban environments and digital technologies.

Skylines featured work by 15 poets, including Sean Bonney, Allen Fisher, Cynthia Hogue, Redell Olsen, Maggie O’Sullivan and Alice Oswald and was curated by Devon-based poet, Elizabeth-Jane Burnett.
- 20 June: The Skylines Festival; forum, workshop, screening, music, poetry
- 21 June: Words in the Woods animation workshop
- June: Visit of Ben Bradshaw MP for Exeter

4 July-4 October 2009
Reflections on Water
Water is both essential to life and the great symbol of life, and this is reflected in both ancient mythology and contemporary ritual. As a substance, its composition, states, and cycle – now threatened by climate change – has fascinated many artists, from Leonardo to Hockney.

See also:
Our summer exhibition Reflections on Water brought together the ‘reflections’ of four contemporary artists: the large-scale photographs of Canadian artist Marlene Creates, two Devon-based artists, Susan Derges and Vikky Minette, and the work of Slovenia and US-based filmmaker Andrej Zdravic.
- Article in WEM magazine
- Article in CIWEM magazine (see Arup/CIWEM meeting below)
- 5 July: Launch talks and films
- 12 July/4 August: Family workshop a thimblefull of water fun
- Bookshop development. Colin Sackett publications
- Showcase eco-design. New graduates across the South West
- 10-14 August: Walking workshops
- 13 August: Dance films of Daniel Conrad
- 16 August: Art in the Park. A collaborative event developed by Chris Lewis which brought Exeter’s main arts organisations up to Haldon Forest Park to offer a wide range of art activities and musical performances. Art in the Park activities. Photos Chris Lewis
- 12 September: Joy Collective. An innovative cross-platform art/music/dance event in the forest led by Chris that drew record numbers to Haldon. Joy Collective evening performance and set-up. Photos Clive Adams and Chris Lewis.
- 20 September: Devon Organic Festival. Photo Chris Lewis.
- 20 September: Film by Chris Chapman Wild River, Cold Stone
- 29 September: Arup/CIWEM meeting at Haldon. Photos Clive Adams.

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October 2009-March 2010