University of the Trees

Acknowledgements and Permissions

I am delighted that you have taken an interest in viewing this section on the University of the Trees. Please bear in mind that the content has originated from myself and colleagues over several years, and certain acknowledgements and permissions are necessary:

  • Copyright of the text and ‘instruments’ of the University of the Trees lies with me.
  • Copyright of all photographs relating to University of the Trees lies with the photographers but these photographs may not be reproduced without my permission.
  • If you simply want to make written reference to any aspect of the University of the Trees section of the Archive, please link the specific quotation to the URL, title of the section and author using the following as an example: Shelley Sacks, University of the Trees, Centre for Contemporary Art and the Natural World Online Archive, Clive Adams 2024. URL of specific section.
  • In spoken references, lectures and film please reference: Shelley Sacks, University of the Trees, and year (if specified).
  • For any other public use (including reproduction) of University of the Trees material (ideas, formulations, text, instruments) you should contact me for agreement over copy and photographs.
  • If you are a commercial book or magazine publisher or filmmaker and wish to feature material from this section of the Archive you should contact me at

Shelley Sacks 2024

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