15 April-21 May
Forest Dreaming part 1
The experience of entering a forest stimulates our imagination and sharpens all our senses. The feelings it can evoke range from ones of fear and mystery to those of enchantment and wonder.

This year-long evolving exhibition showed work by over 50 artists who had responded in different ways to the forest environment. It was organised in eight parts and was researched in consultation with curator Angela Kingston and with the help of Stuart Arnold, a student at Bath Spa University. Part eight showed documentation of Jamie McCullough’s Beginner’s Way created in Haldon Forest in the 1980s.
Artists in part one included Stephen Chambers, Michael Cullimore, David Nash, Julian Perry, Martin Prothero, Helen Sear, Rosie Snell and Annelies Strba.
General views of Forest Dreaming part 1. Photos Chris Lewis and Harris McMillan.
Sam Mukumba residency
27 May–5 June. A residency with artist Sam Mukumba transformed the Project Space as his studio and he led projects in the surrounding forest that invited public participation, culminating on World Environment Day 5 June. Sam was a recent graduate from the Social Sculpture course led by Shelley Sacks at Oxford Brookes University.
One workshop involved casting a number of bowls in molten beeswax. Participants were asked to find a tree seedling growing in an unsuitable place – typically, a roof gutter or along a road – and replant it in a bowl. Seedlings were collected and replanted in the forest later that year.

Towards the end of the residency, Sam made a wood-fired oven using clay from the forest and recycled materials. The public were invited to bring dough and toppings and make their own pizzas.

See also:
- Sam Mukumba casting bowls in beeswax. Photos Chris Lewis
- Sam Mukumba using his wood-fired oven. Photos Chris Lewis
University of the Trees long-term project: First meeting
During the period of establishing CCANW at Haldon, Clive had several meetings with Shelley Sacks over the University of the Trees project which was to become an important influence on its programme, leading to the idea of a long-term collaboration and away from the idea of a conventional forest sculpture trail. It also led to the first and impactful artist residency with Sam Mukumba, a recent graduate from Shelley’s MA Social Sculpture and Connective Practice course at Oxford Brookes University.

A first public event to develop the University of the Trees in the Haldon Forest was held in May 2006 when Shelley, Johanna, Lillian Sum, James Reed and John Evans tried out the golden circle around a tree and a prototype white felt sling. Further main events were held in June 2007, June and July 2008, and March and November 2011 (see University of the Trees).
- 15 April: Launch events with Jennie Hale, Chris Salisbury, Peter Whiteman, Nigel Shaw and Carolyn Hillyer, Peter Chin Kean Choy. Photos Chris Lewis
- 16 April: Talk by Sam Bower (on left) of greenmuseum.org. Photo Chris Lewis.
- 22 April: Workshop with artist Martin Prothero
- 24 April onwards: Workshops with Vanland
- 1 May: Performance by Dartington Gamelan
- 20 May: Talk by Mark Segal of ArtSway
- 29 May: Performance by musician David Rothenberg
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July-September 2006