Haldon Fundraising History 2005-2013
Arts Council England
CCANW had already benefitted from grants from the Arts Lottery for a Feasibility Study in 1997 and a Development Study in 1999 in relation to options to base ourselves at Dunsland and at Poltimore. South West Arts (SWA) also awarded us a research and development grant of £10,000 for 2001-2.
The total capital costs of improving the Project Space at Haldon which opened in April 2006 amounted to £96,655 which were covered by grants from ACE, LEADER+, Teignbridge Rural Regeneration Partnership, Forestry Commission, Dartmoor Sustainable Development Fund and Devon County Council.
Success in achieving funding from ACE through Grants for the Arts (GfA) largely depended on demonstrating that a good percentage of income had already been confirmed at the time of applications being made, though the value of support in kind was also taken into consideration.
Dependence on making annual applications to GfA was problematic for us as our intention had always been to base ourselves in a specific building, employ staff and incur on-going overheads. ACESW advised that, if CCANW successfully established itself, consideration would be given for it to be taken on as a ‘regularly funded organisation’, part of the National Portfolio.
Total capital and revenue income over the first financial years 2003-6 amounted to £164,429, of which ACE contributed £91,313 (55.5%).
Income totalled £90,339 with ACE contributing £49,500 (54.8%).
Income totalled £174,679 with ACE contributing £90,000 (51.5%).
We were warned in June 2007 that there would be a gradual fall in ACE funding from 2008/9 as the National Lottery moved towards supporting the 2012 London Olympics.
Income totalled £139,617 with ACE contributing £82,000 (58.7%).
Income totalled £142,685 with ACE contributing £70,000 (49.1%).
Our application for ACE funding in 2010-11 did not succeed and in January 2010 we had to raise an additional £20,000 in match funding. The re-application was successful after we reached the target in six weeks with contributions coming from trusts, foundations and the general public. This experience increased concern over the need to establish a reserve fund.
- ‘Threatened by Extinction’ in Exeter Living
- ‘Overwhelming support wins reprieve for green arts centre’ in Express & Echo
Income totalled £125,752 with ACE contributing £70,000 (55.7%).
In spring 2011 we made an unsuccessful application to be part of ACE’s National Portfolio of regularly funded organisations. The application covered three years 2012-15 and totalled £246,000 (2012/13 £80,000, 2013/14 £82,000, 2014/15 £84,000). ACE’s stage one assessment recommended support at the full amount requested, but at stage two the ‘panel preferred other organisations on geographical spread and artform’. CCANW was forced to continue to apply to ACE under GfA.
Income totalled £143,459 with ACE contributing £69,585 (48.5%).
ACE became concerned by the downward trend of expenditure on the artistic programme whilst staff costs were increasing. In this year, accounts showed that artistic programming cost £26,669 with staffing costing £78,333. For comparison, in our first full year of operation 2006-7, costs were respectively £35,749 and £40,678. These figures, however, did not take into account that in 2011-12, £29,762 of staff costs related to the delivery of artistic and education activity and £17,724 to costs which included a considerable amount of fundraising.
Although a survey demonstrated that salaries were on a par with other similar arts organisations, our salaries were subsequently reduced by 10% in the period July 2012-Feb 2013. An indication of projected staff salaries 2012-13 (including NIC) can be seen on pp.44-45 of the business plan attached to our National Portfolio application:
- Director (3.5 days a week) paid pro-rata, based on a full time wage of £33,808 p.a.+1.5 days unpaid.
- Marketing and Development Manager (3 days) based on £25,356.
- Learning Programmes Manager (4 days) based on £24,055.
- Finance Officer (1.5 days) based on £20,600.
- Administrative Assistant (15 hours) based on £12,765.
National Portfolio business plan
Income totalled £141,735 with ACE contributing £85,230 (60.1%).
In September 2012 CCANW prepared a budget of £183,530 to deliver the complete Soil Culture programme 2013-14, and applied to ACE for a grant of £84,500 (46% of the total). Unfortunately, at that time, only a small proportion of match funding had been confirmed and the bid was rejected in November.
This forced us to withdraw two other applications; one to the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for £30,000 and another application for a DEFRA RDPE Rural Economy Grant of £25,000. Both applications had already passed an initial stage of approval.
The failure of these grants was the reason that we had to give up the lease of our building in Haldon Forest Park in March 2013. Following our move to the Innovation Centre, ACE’s contribution to CCANW was reduced:
Income totalled £34,938 with ACE contributing £20,308 (58.1%).
Income totalled £34,417 with ACE contributing £18,583 (54%).
Other National Lottery funds
In 2004-5 a grant of £4,600, followed in 2008-9 by a grant of £4,600, was received from Awards for All.
In 2008-10 CCANW received £22,241 programme funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) towards the cost of Haldon’s Hidden Heritage and a further grant in 2012/13 of £29,500 for our Games People Play programme. In March 2015, HLF awarded a grant of £16,600 to fund 12 Soil Culture activities which illustrated the natural and cultural heritage of soils in the South West.
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